About Us
“I would do this even if I weren’t paid.”
Hi! I’m Rocky Lalvani and I’m thrilled you’re here.
This About Me page is probably unlike any other you’ve seen in the financial expert niche.
You wouldn’t find a long list of impressive financial credentials and certifications on this page.
Instead, what you’ll find is my story; the mistakes I made and why I would teach about financial planning even if I weren’t paid.
Why share my mistakes?

The mistakes you make today define the person you become tomorrow.
Except when you’re talking about money mistakes.
In which case, you can end up frustrated, resentful and worse…flat out broke.
I grew up at the end of the baby boomer generation.
The job advice that worked for that generation did not work for me going forward. The days of working for a company for a lifetime and retiring with a pension disappeared.
I should have job hopped more because that’s the fastest way to grow your income.
Becoming complacent and sticking to our comfort zone holds us back from the success we can have.
The world changed, and I didn’t pay attention that the rules had changed too.
Lesson learned: Keep up with the world.
Today, the world’s changing again. Just as an example, college education has become incredibly expensive and for many, may not be the best option.
Another reason for sharing my mistakes is to highlight that I’m unlike those who propound financial theories without sharing all the facts.
For instance, Dave Ramsey tells you to buy real estate for cash because he went bankrupt from the loans, but he never tells you how to get the cash to do so. His businesses create excess cash flow, and he invests that in real estate.
Also, it’s funny how Warren Buffett tells people to invest in S&P 500 funds, yet that’s not how he built wealth.
Speaking of stock markets, I spent a lot of time trying to find the next best stock or money market fund.
The problem with chasing returns is that they’ve already happened and more often than not, I got in late and ended up barely breaking even or losing money.
This is the same as investing in bitcoin or some of the new online investment schemes.
The lesson I learned from this was that creating a system and procedure to invest without emotions based on expected returns would have served me well.
I teach financial planning and growing your wealth because that’s what I’ve done and I don’t want you to make the mistakes I made.
Growing up as the child of immigrant parents, I’ve seen my Dad build his fortune from a paltry $25 in his pocket using the basic principles of saving, investing and spending smartly.
My mom passed away when I was barely 7 years old and that instilled in me a fierce independence and sense of self-reliance.
Sidenote: You may think I look Italian but I’m actually Indian! 😉
Over the years, I’ve built a multimillion dollar fortune and not from coaching people but from applying the exact advice that I share with you right here on Richer Soul.
I live a life that’s fulfilling and rich in every which way.
I believe money is a tool, not the end goal, not a shiny object to be chased.
I believe that prioritizing life over money is key.
I believe that being intentional and purposeful makes all the difference.
Varsity Soccer Coach
You’ll find me coaching the varsity boys’ soccer team or a championship robotics team even though I knew nothing about either. That’s because I’m a lifelong learner.
Family Man & World Traveler
I’m happily married to my wife Dolly for 23 years and am Dad to two teenagers. An avid world traveler, I enjoy learning about cultures and communities.
How did all of this happen for someone who grew up in a regular, middle-class immigrant family?
“The magic of the compound curve can be seen in all areas of life… small steps lead to massive success over time.”
There are no silver bullets, magic pills or overnight success stories when it comes to financial prosperity, wealth and living your dream life.
Sure that may not be what the popular guys want you to believe but it is the unvarnished truth.
Financial success is the result of several small steps taken one after the other towards a big picture goal.
My passion is to listen to your stories, your dreams and your goals and show you how to take those small steps without faltering, fumbling or falling down the abyss of debt and despair.
Dive deep into the library of coaching calls and podcast episodes
Over the years, I’ve interviewed several financially successful entrepreneurs and coached several others. Get these in your ears and you’ll start to see your financial mindset shift instantly:
Listen to actual coaching calls!
“As iron sharpens iron one man sharpens another”
The reason I created Richer Soul was to share the journey with you and to arm you with the non-overwhelming, easy-to-understand expertise you need to make smart money decisions and avoid fatal financial mistakes.
It’s not your fault if you find that your dream life is a distant reality because you’re stuck in a job you hate but can’t quit or because you’ve got student loans burning holes in your budget every month.
It’s not your fault because chances are you probably grew up in a home where money management wasn’t discussed at the dinner table.
Sure! Your parents loved you and gave you a happy and healthy childhood but when it came to managing your money… you had no idea what to do with your pay check other than spend it!
Now as you look at your life ahead and the dreams and goals you have, you want to know whether you’d ever be able to make them happen. I’m here to tell you… you CAN. As a young kid, I learned everything there was about repairing and remodeling houses. I even sold real estate when I was in college.
However, despite all the knowledge I had, I didn’t invest in real estate until I was in my 40s.
All those years of inaction led to a loss in equity growth.
Now when we are 7 years into real estate investing, I can buy a house inside of 30 minutes.
Because I understand the numbers so I built a team to help me.
I wish I had started earlier because real estate rentals are a long game.
The reason I’m sharing this with you is because I want you to know…
Sometimes you just have to get started and that’s the hardest part.
“Only 3% people take action on the advice they get. “
The first step starts with taking action.
You’re on this page for a reason and that’s because you want to know if I’m the perfect person for your financial well-being.
You’re not sure if you’re ready to bare your deepest secrets and fears about money to someone who’s for all purposes a stranger.
You don’t know if I’ll be like one of those financial planners who only want to push the product that brings the largest commission into their pocket.
I hear you!
Let’s get that right out of the way then…
Here are three easy ways for you to get the most out of your time at Richer Soul.
- Schedule a call here and let’s get to know each other better. No strings attached! Rocky@richersoul.com
- Listen to the Richer Soul podcast and coaching calls here.
- Find me dishing out financial advice at the following places
If you would like to book a quick call to talk about coaching you access my calendar to schedule a 15 minute call.
Taking action is the first step. It will not be easy. It will not be pretty. The path will be challenging and you will be tempted to give up. I ask you to keep at it. Change direction if you will. But do not stop. Your dream life is just one financially savvy step away.