Ep 407 Your Grass is Greener with Jason Silver

Your Grass is Greener with Jason Silver

Jason Silver

Take away:
The power of small, intentional changes in how we work and communicate to significantly improve productivity, decision-making, and overall job satisfaction. Focus on changing “how” you work rather than “what” you work on and recognize that outcomes are not fully in your control.
Money Learnings:
Jason’s parents were intentional about teaching him about money from a young age. They taught him to think about how much he needed to save for things he wanted. They discussed the consequences of spending money and how to think about saving. They instilled the idea that it’s not good to spend all your money at once. Both of Jason’s parents had backgrounds in accounting, which may have influenced their approach to teaching him about money. Overall, Jason received structured and intentional financial education from his parents, which he considers himself fortunate to have experienced, as this level of financial education at home is relatively uncommon.
Jason Silver is a multi-time founder of kids and a multi-time founder of companies. He gets his biggest thrill helping modern employees and their teams unlock a better way to work—surfing is a close second. He was an early employee at Airbnb and helped build an AI company from the ground up back before AI was the cool thing to do. Today, he advises a startup portfolio valued in the billions on how to build great, lasting companies that people actually enjoy working for. He’s a sought-after public speaker, instructor, and advisor on how to transform work into one of the biggest drivers of positivity in your life. When he’s not busy helping people solve their hardest workplace challenges, Jason’s kids are busy reminding him just how much of a work in progress he still is too.
Highlights from this episode:
  • Intentional parenting around money and finances can have a lasting positive impact on children’s financial habits and understanding.
  • Small changes in how we communicate and make decisions at work can lead to major productivity gains and improved outcomes.
  • Using “briefbacks” to confirm understanding can dramatically reduce costly miscommunications in the workplace.
  • Focusing on alignment rather than full agreement can accelerate decision-making in organizations.
  • Clarity on who the decision-maker is for any given issue is critical for efficient decision processes.
  • Changing how we work, rather than what we work on, can often have the biggest impact on job satisfaction and effectiveness.
  • Prioritizing intentionality and being present in the moment is key to living an abundant life, rather than always deferring to the future.
Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!
Thanks for listening!
Schedule your free no obligation call: https://bookme.name/rockyl/lite/intro-appointment-15-minutes
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Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast
Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.

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